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From Chaos to Clarity: Why Your Team Needs Workflow Management Software

chaos to clarity blog Oct 24

Projects, tasks and deadlines in today’s business environment move at super-fast pace. Marketing and operations teams normally juggle many projects at once, each with a multitude of dependencies and stakeholders. When there’s no system to manage all this information, chaos ensues. Co-workers spend most of their time frustratingly trying to get information, trying to communicate, or waiting on a stakeholder for feedback. Target dates get missed, and productivity suffers. 

That is where workflow management software comes in. It provides teams with a structured, transparent and collaborative environment to help manage their work. Everyone has an understanding of where the project stands and where to focus their efforts so that things move along. On the Aproove blog, we show you why your team needs business workflow management software and how it can transform the way you operate.  

  1. Centralized Workflows for Better Visibility

It’s how each and every team, working together, has turned ‘getting things done’ into something more akin to throwing spaghetti at a wall – with scattered emails, spreadsheets, calendars, sticky notes and other siloed tools. And we’ve all seen how that turns out! Without a centralized hub to contain all the information related to a project, it’s impossible to know what’s being done, by whom, and whether anything is falling through the cracks. 

Workflow management software puts every task and timeline and communication in one online place. Workflow management tools such as Aproove Work Management give teams a single view of what needs to get done throughout their organization, from projects to hours spent on varying tasks. It keeps everyone informed on what’s happening and allows managers to make decisions with all the data. 

On top of that, it’s easier to identify problems and fix them fast. If one task is the bottleneck for the whole project, it’s easy to find, and you can nip the problem in the bud before it grows out of hand.   

  1. Streamlined Communication

One of the biggest causes of project delays and errors is miscommunication, and it’s much harder for teams to keep up a clear conversational context when they are working with fragmented systems: a mixture of emails, chat apps and face-to-face meetings can often lead to important data getting lost, or team members struggling to keep track of which tool was used to discuss which point. 

Business workflow management software brings communication into a single centralized space, but more importantly, it places that communication directly within the context of a task or project. The comment box of a task within workflow management tools allows people to communicate their thoughts, ask questions, or attach and link to other files, all exactly where the task lives. This means that everyone on a project team can see the history of conversations about a particular task right there in context, with no need to sift through a conversation thread in email.

chaos to clarity blog Oct 24 (2)

  1. Improved Accountability and Ownership

Without clear ownership, responsibilities can slip into a state of undeclared limbo – no one feels accountable, tasks aren’t completed, or deadlines are missed. If no one is accountable for something, as a team member you might think: ‘Whose job is this anyway?’ 

Tasks are assigned to team members using workflow management software that shows due dates and priority levels. Everybody knows exactly what they have to do, when they should do it, and how that particular piece of work contributes to the project as a whole. Not only does this make everybody more accountable, but it also promotes a sense of ownership. People are more likely to take pride in what they do when they have a defined role and when they understand how their work contributes to the final product. 

The business workflow management software throws in alerts and reminders; your project manager automatically knows who is doing what and can check in with team members without hovering; nobody gets confused about who is working on what, and deadlines get met.  

  1. Enhanced Collaboration Across Teams

Many projects are now collaborative efforts that span multiple departments and stakeholders, each of which may have their own distinct goals and processes. It can be difficult to keep all teams on the same page and make sure everyone is working towards the same objective if there is no cohesive system in place. 

Cross-functional teams collaborate better because every action gets organized into a workflow that spans departments. Everyone is on the same page in the shared workspace, seeing what needs to be done and by whom. Marketing, sales, design, product teams can all work within the same workflow. 

For example, marketing needs design assets to execute a campaign and, in turn, the sales team needs those marketing assets to sell. With a workflow management system, these two teams can manage the timeline for the project, assign work and track the status of that work as it is happening, and everyone can view what has been accomplished to date. Those silos quickly disappear.  

In addition, workflow management tools integration with other platforms, such as CRM or design tools, provide an easy basis for cross-system collaboration: everyone works in their preferred tool, and the work management software puts it all together.  

  1. Optimized Workflows and Automation

Manual processes are slow and prone to mistakes. Updating task statuses and moving tasks from one stage to another can be high-maintenance, taking time out of employees’ day. By automatically handling these repetitive tasks, workflow management software becomes a time-saving resource. 

For example, once a task is completed, it can automatically be sent to the next person in the process or moved to the next phase of the workflow, so no one needs to ask for a status update. That’s the kind of stuff that allows your team to cut out low-value work and concentrate on high-value work.  

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  1. Data-Driven Insights and Reporting 

Perhaps the biggest benefit of workflow management tools is the insights you can pull from it. When you’re tracking time spent on tasks, due dates, and status updates, the data can show you how your team is really working. You’ll see where bottlenecks are forming, where tasks are taking longer than they should, and how time and resources are being allocated.  

Workflow management software tends to come with an automatic reporting feature that can generate live reports on team performance, projects, and productivity. For managers, this can help identify efficiencies, make more informed decisions, and better support their teams. The ability to track workflows also allows for iterative improvements; over time, each team can optimize individualized processes and become more productive based on hard data.  

  1. Scalability for Growing Teams

As teams grow, it’s much harder to manage tasks and projects without a system in place. An approach that worked well for a team of five may not scale when your team is now 50 or 500 strong. With workflow management software you can work with your team, accommodating quickly evolving workflows with more complex projects. 

By setting up a robust workflow management structure from the beginning, you will be able to scale your business operation smoothly, as your company grows. You can easily introduce new team members, departments, and even external stakeholders into your workflows. You can be confident in running your business processes effectively and smoothly, regardless of your team size, using systems with builtin scalability. 


As teams are asked to get more done in less time, ensuring a solid system to maintain workflows is no longer a luxury, but a real need. In an environment that can easily turn into a free-for-all, business workflow management software brings clarity and consistency, increasing the possibilities for teams to work effectively together and achieve what they set out to accomplish.  



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