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How Marketing Workflow Software Improves Campaign Execution

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When it comes to today’s marketing campaigns, the tools you use should make your processes faster, your collaboration better, and your entire marketing campaign more measurable. Using marketing workflow software is a great way to achieve these and other objectives for your marketing campaign. In this blog by the Aproove team, we explain how marketing workflow tool helps you execute your campaigns, and why implementing it within your company it is a good thing to do!  

Understanding Marketing Workflow Software 

Marketing workflow management software is a digital tool that is used to automate and manage processes related to marketing. It helps teams to manage their jobs, collaborate on project tasks, monitor deadlines and objectives, and measure their performance within a single unified platform. Marketing management software is typically equipped with features that include project management, task management, tracking of progress, reporting, and analytics. With these functionalities, marketing workflow tools help teams to work more efficiently. 

The Need for Improved Campaign Execution 

Marketing campaigns are increasingly complex, requiring the coordination of multiple stakeholders, tasks, and deadlines. As marketing campaigns increase in complexity, so too do the opportunities for miscommunication, missed deadlines, and inefficiency. According to data from the Content Marketing Institute, 63 per cent of marketers report that they have difficulty executing their campaigns efficiently. Marketing workflow software tackles common pain points and helps eliminate bottlenecks within the campaign execution process.  

marketing campaign blog Oct 24

Key Benefits of Marketing Workflow Software 

  1. Improved Collaboration

Collaborative marketing management software is one of its biggest benefits. It comprises of dashboards that co-workers can see, real-time updates and comment sections. This helps team members communicate with each other better and stay on the same page as far as campaign goals. 

For example, a team working on a product launch might assign different tasks to team members, set deadlines and monitor their work in real time.   

  1. Improved Task Management

When it comes to outlining workflows, with marketing workflow management software it helps a team take on a massive project and breaks it down into manageable units, assign particular responsibilities to certain individuals, and give each part of a campaign a deadline to cut through the noise and make it manageable. Reducing tasks to granular levels lessens the chance of an inadvertently missed detail. 

Similarly, a lot of marketing workflow management software tools have alerts and notifications on tasks due and campaign changes, meaning that your team is kept informed for workflow efficiency.  

  1. Centralized Data and Reporting

Tracking the performance of every marketing campaign is essential in order to make informed decisions and refine future efforts. A marketing workflow tool compiles data from various sources into a single database so that it can be easily accessed by cross-functional teams. Important metrics such as campaign performance, customer engagement and ROI are available as soon as they are generated. 

In addition, embedded reporting helps marketing teams generate reports with information on what’s working and what’s not, so that they can shift gears and adapt, which in the end yields a far better outcome. 

  1. Streamlined Approval Processes

In many a marketing campaign, you need sign-offs from several stakeholders. You could easily hit a wall if you don’t make sure that approvals are completed on time. Marketing management software will take care of that by allowing you a bird’s eye view over the status of your work and approvals. 

A marketing team rolling out a new advertisement, for example, might use marketing workflow software to help submit an ad for legal and compliance sign-offs, and have each stakeholder review it, comment on it, and approve it all in one place. Emails disappearing into a flood of replies are replaced by a single checkpoint authorizing the campaign ready for launch. 

  1. Enhanced Scalability

Marketing workflow management software is designed to scale with your business, so the more work you have, the more ways it can help. Whether you’ve got one campaign going out or five, it can shift gears and stay in sync. 

With a marketing workflow tool, campaigns can be standardized, new members can be onboarded easily, and best practice can be adhered to, no matter how large or small the campaign is.  

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Real-World Applications 

Many companies have begun using marketing management software that helps them orchestrate the execution of new campaigns. One global online retailer, for instance, centralized their seasonal campaigns with a marketing workflow management tool and found that they reduced time to complete their campaigns by 30 per cent. They also enjoyed increased profits and better engagement with their customers. 

A second example concerns a non-profit that used marketing workflow software to help manage fundraising campaigns: the tool allowed them to assign tasks, track progress, and generate reports about donor engagement, enabling them to raise eight times more money than in previous years. 


In a business context where marketing execution is arguably the key to the success of a business, marketing management software helps teams by making collaboration better, making task-management easier, providing a centralized location for data, streamlining the approval process and making it scalable.  

The ability for brands to execute campaigns well is becoming more and more difficult as we deal with more teams, volume and complexity. The smart ones will invest in marketing workflow tools because they see a whole new level of efficiency, better marketing results, and more ROI for their marketing spend.  

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